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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

embedded systems automation of car Paper Presentation

The technical Brilliance and Developments in different fields has led to a drastic change especially in the communication field. Devices with intelligence rule the world. Imbibing intelligence to these devices is through a system called “EMBEDDED SYSTEMS”. It is the evolution or further development of the computing system. Its applications provide marvelous opportunities for ingenious use of computer technology. Almost every new system introduced is an example of Embedded System. These systems are more intelligent and autonomous.                   

Friday, 13 April 2012

Network Paper Presentation

PPt on

 1.  What is network?
 2.  Different types of networks.
 3. Client server network.
·       Lan.
·       Wan.
·       Man.
·       Workstation.

Network security Paper Presentation




For the first few decades of their existence computer networks were primarily used by university researchers for sending email, and by corporate employees for sharing printers. Under these conditions, security did not get a lot of attention. But now, as millions of ordinary citizens are using networks for banking, shopping, and filling their tax returns network security is looming on the horizon as a potentially massive problem.


            The essence of nanotechnology is the ability to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to create large structures with fundamentally new molecular organization. Compared to the behavior of isolated molecules, the behavior of structural features in the range of about 10-9 to 10-7 m (1,000 times smaller than the diameter of human hair) exhibit important changes. Nanotechnology is concerned with materials and systems whose structures and components exhibit novel and significantly improved properties.

Efficient utilization of mobile databases and gps in wireless networks Paper Presentation

Efficient Utilization of Mobile Databases and GPS in Wireless Networks
 ·       Introduction
  ·       Overview

Ø Mobile Computing and Databases

Ø Global Positioning System
How does it work?
 ·       Problem Domain
 ·       Proposed Solution

o   Location Dependent Data Management

o   Range Monitoring Queries

ppt on mobile computing



                   What will computers look like in ten years, in the next country?  No wholly accurate prediction can be made, but as a general feature, most computers will certainly be portable.  How will users access networks with the help of computers or other communication devices?  An ever-increasing number without any wires, i.e., wireless. How will people spend much of their time at work, during vacation? Many people will be mobile already one of the key characteristics of today’s society.  Think, for example, of an aircraft with 800 seats.  Modern aircraft already offer limited network access to passengers, and aircraft of the next generation will offer easy Internet access.  In this scenario, a mobile network moving at high sped above ground with a wireless link will be the only means of transporting data to an from passengers.  Furthermore, think of cars with Internet access and billions of embedded processors that have to communicate with for instance cameras, mobile phones, CD-players, headsets, keyboards, intelligent traffic signs and sensors.

                    There are two different kinds of mobility: user mobility and device portability.  User mobility refers to a user who has access to the same or similar telecommunication services at different places, i.e., the user can be mobile, and the services will follow him or her.  Examples for mechanisms supporting user mobility are simple call-forwarding solutions known from the telephone or computer desktops supporting roaming (i.e., the desktop looks the same no matter which computer a user uses to into the network)

                   With device portability the communication device moves (with or without a user).  Many mechanisms in the network and inside the device have to make sure that communication is still possible while it is moving.   A typical example for systems supporting device portability is the mobile phone system, where the system itself hands the device from one radio transmitter (also called a base station) to the next if the signal becomes too weak.  Most of the scenarios described in this book contain both user mobility and device portability at the same time.
                    With regard to devices, the term wireless is used.  This only describes the way of accessing a network or other communication partners, i.e., without a wire. The wire is replaced by the transmission of electromagnetic waves through the air (although wireless transmission does not need any medium).

What is Mobile Computing?

                   Mobile Computing and Communications is a major part of wireless communication technology. Mobile communication today is a defector standard by itself.  It commands the single largest share of the Global wireless technologies in the market.  Mobile communications popularity grew many folds over the past few years and is still growing to a greater extent.  Through WAP development of Mobile Computing Applications is becoming easy and affective.  It has also become a foundation for many wireless LAN applications.

                   Although wireless networks and mobile communications can be used for many applications.  Some of them are given as follows.

                    Tomorrow’s cars will comprise many wireless communication systems and mobility aware applications.  Music, news, road conditions, weather reports, and other broadcast information are received via digital audio broadcasting (DAB) with 1.5 Mbits/s.  For personal communication, a global system for mobile communications (GSM) phone might be available offering voice and data connectivity with 384 kbits/s.  For remote areas satellite communication can be used, while the current position of the car is determined via global positioning system (GPS).  Additionally, cars driving in the same area build a local adhoc network  for fast information exchange in emergency situations or to help each other keeping a safe distance.   In case of an accident, not only will the airbag be triggered, but also an emergency call to a service provider informing ambulance and police.  Cars with this technology are already available.  Future cars will also inform other cars about accidents via the ad hoc network to help them slow down in time, even before a driver can recognize the accident.  Buses, trucks, and train are already transmitting maintenance and logistic information to their home base, which helps o improve organization (fleet management), and thus save time and money.

                   GSM, UMTS will be interconnected with trucked radio systems (TETRA) and wireless LANs (WLAN).  Additionally, satellite communication links can be used.  The networks between cars and also inside a car will more likely work in an ad hoc works between cars ad also inside a car will more likely work in an ad hoc fashion. 
Wireless pico networks inside a car can comprise PDAs, laptops, or mobile phones, e.g., connected with each other using the Bluetooth technology.

2. Emergencies:     
                    Just imagine the possibilities of an ambulance with a high quality wireless connection to a hospital.  After an accident, vital information about injured persons can be sent to the hospital immediately.  There, all necessary steps for this particular type of accident can be prepared or further specialists can be consulted for an early diagnosis.  Furthermore,           wireless networks are the only means of communication in the case of natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes.

                   Today’s typical traveling salesman needs instant access to the company’s database: to ensure that the files on his or her laptop reflect the actual state, to enable the company to keep track of all activities of their traveling employees, to keep databases consistent etc., with wireless access, the laptop can be turned into a true mobile office.


                   Currently, laptops are considered to be the upper end of the mobile device range.  Following list gives some examples of  mobile  and wireless devices graded by increasing performance (CPU , Memory , Display , Input devices etc.,) 

                    A very simple wireless device is represented by a sensor transmitting state information.  An example for such a sensor could be a switch sensing the office door.  If the door is closed, the switch transmits this state to the mobile phone inside the office and the mobile phone will not accept incoming calls. Thus, without user interaction the semantics of a closed door is applied to phone calls.

                    A very simple receiver, a pager can only display short text messages, has a tiny display, and cannot send any messages.  Pagers can even be integrated into watches.  

Mobile Phones:
                    The traditional mobile phone only had a simple black and white text display and could send / receive voice or short messages.  Today, however, mobile phones migrate more and more toward PDAs.  Mobile phones with full color graphic display, on the internet browser are available.

Personal digital assistant:
                    PDAs typically accompany a user and officer very simple versions of office software (calendar, notepad, mail).  The typical input device is a pen, with built in character recognition translating hand writing into characters.  Web browsers and many other software packages are already available for these devices. 

Palmtop/pocket computer:
                    The next step toward full computer are pocket computers offering tiny keyboards, color displays, and simple versions of programs found on desktop computers (Text processing, Spread Sheets etc.,).

                    Finally, laptops offer more or less the same performance as standard desktop computers; use the same software, the only technical difference being size, Weight, and ability to run on a battery.

                                            The above diagram shows a personal digital assistant (PDA) which provides an example for a wireless and portable device.  This PDA communicates with a base station in the middle of the p9ictue.  The base station consists of a radio transceiver (sender and receiver) and an interworking unit connecting the wireless link with the fixed link.  Finally, on the right-hand side, the communication partner of the PDA, a conventional computer, is shown. 

                    Underneath each network element (such as PDA, interworking unit, computer), the figure shows the protocol stack implemented in the system according to the reference model.  End-systems, such as the PDA and computer in the example, need a full protocol stack co0mprising the application layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, and physical layer.  Applications on the end-systems communicate with each other using the lower layer services.  Intermediate systems, such as the interworking unit, do not necessarily need all of the layers. The figure shown only shows the network, data link, and physical layers. As (according to the basic reference model) only entities at the same level communicate with each other (i.e., transport with transport, network with network), the end-system applications do not notice the intermediate system directly in this scenario.  The following explain the functions, of each layer in more detail in a wireless and mobile environment.

  Physical Layer:
                    This lowest layer in a communication system is responsible for the conversion of a stream of bits into signals that can be transmitted on the sender side.  The physical layer of the receiver then transforms the signals back into a bit stream.  For wireless communication, the physical quency, signal detection (although heavy interference may disturb the signal), modulation of data onto a carrier frequency and (depending on the transmission scheme) encryption.

Data Link Layer:
                    The main tasks of this layer include accessing the medium, multiplexing of different data streams, correction of transmission errors, and synchronization (i.e., detection of a data frame). It is responsible for a reliable point-to-point connection between two devices or a point-to-multipoint connection between one sender and several receivers.

Network Layer:
                    This third layer is responsible for routing packets through a network or establishing a connection between two entities over many other intermediate systems.  Important topics are addressing, routing, device location, and handover between different networks. 

Transport Layer:
                    This layer is used in the reference model to establish an end-to-end connection.  Topics like quality of service, flow and congestion control are relevant, especially if the transport protocols known from the Internet, TCP and UDP, are to be used over a wireless link.

Application Layer:
                    Finally, the applications are situated on top of all transmission oriented layers.  Topics of interest in this context are service loation, support for multimedia applications, adaptive applications that can handle the large variations in transmission characteristics, and also wireless access to the World Wide Web using a portable device. 

Mobile world meets cyberspace

                   Mobile Internet is all about Internet access from mobile devices. Well, it’s true, but the ground realities are different. No doubt Internet has grown fast, well really fast! but mobile Internet is poised to grow even faster. The fundamental difference lies in the fact that whereas academics and scientists started the Internet, the force behind mobile Internet access is the cash-rich mobile phone industry. Mobile industry has always been looking for more avenues to make more money and in this attempt; the mobile industry besides carefully finding about the needs and requirements for a mobile data user is also creating new demand patterns also. What makes things even more favorable for the mobile Internet is that it already has a lot of Internet-based content from which to draw. This can be adapted for display on mobiles in a number of ways. A website can be viewed using a phone that is WAP-enabled.

                   A mobile is something that we take along with us where ever we go (unlike our computers) and that is one of the reasons many analysts believe that within three years more people will be accessing the Internet from mobile phones than from office or home computers.

                   Well, a variety of mobile wireless standards exist today, each have different levels of data capabilities. Thanks to the developments taking place in all the 2nd generation mobile wireless data technologies, and the high data speeds being promised by the 3rd generation systems, the distinction between the wireless, wireline and the Internet service providers is beginning to blur. Mobile Internet access surely is poised to be a major commercial success. While the underlying network technologies keep on evolving, what is going to differentiate on network from the other is finally the services that it provides to the end user. Data services provided by the mobile networks are fast becoming popular and in some countries in Europe people are spending more on mobile data access compared to voice services. This presents a huge opportunity for the mobile data service developers.

                   The issue is that with a range of mobile devices and underlying mobile wireless technologies, developing services specific to each type of equipment and specific to a particular technology is troublesome. An application written for specific equipment and a specific technology won’t work anywhere else. This calls for a standardization, which provides a generic model where applications can be written without keeping in mind the equipment and the technology. On the equipment side, the wireless devices represent the ultimate constrained computing device with:

·        Less powerful CPUs,
·        Less memory (ROM and RAM)
·        Restricted power consumption
·        Smaller displays
·        Different input devices (e.g., a phone keypad, voice input, etc.)
·        and on the network side, wireless networks are constrained by
·        Less bandwidth
·        More latency
·        Less connection stability
·        Less predictable availability

                   However, most important of all, wireless subscribers have a different set of essential desires and needs than desktop or even laptop Internet users.  With the emergence of 3G technologies, the constraint on the low data rates may not be as limiting as it is today but is must be understood clearly that, as bandwidth increases, the handset’s power consumption also increases which further taxes the already limited battery life of a mobile device. Therefore, even as wireless networks improve their ability to deliver higher bandwidth, the power availability at the handset will still limit the effective throughput of data to and from the device. A wireless data solution must be able to overcome these network limitations and still deliver a satisfactory user experience.

Here comes WAP!
                   The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the de-facto world standard for the presentation and delivery of wireless information and telephony services on mobile phones and other wireless terminals. The WAP Forum has published a global wireless protocol specification, based on existing Internet standards such as XML and IP, for all wireless networks. The WAP specification is developed and supported by the wireless telecommunication community so that the entire industry and most importantly, its subscribers, can benefit from a single, open specification. WAP is designed to work with most wireless networks such as CDPD, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, TDMA, FLEX, ReFLEX, iDEN, TETRA, DECT, DataTAC, Mobitex. Actually, Ericsson, Nokia and many others began developing standards independently of each other, but it was soon realized that it would make more sense to focus development around a common standard. WAP forum was thus born with a desire to establish a common format for Internet transfers to mobile telephones, without having to customize the Internet pages for the particular display on every different mobile telephone or personal organizer.

                   The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) addresses the issues mentioned above by introducing the concept of the Internet as a wireless service platform. By addressing the constraints of a wireless environment, and adapt existing Internet technology to meet these constraints, the WAP Forum has succeeded in developing a standard that scales across a wide range of wireless devices and networks. The WAP specifications complement existing wireless standards. For example, the WAP specification does not specify how data should be transmitted over the air interface. Instead, the WAP specification is intended to sit on top of existing bearer channel standards so that any bearer standard can be used with the WAP protocols to implement complete product solutions. It defines a protocol stack that can operate on high latency, low bandwidth networks such as Short Message Service (SMS), or GSM Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) channel. In addition to being air interface independent, the WAP specification is also independent of any particular device. Instead, it specifies the bare minimum functionality a device must have, and has been designed to accommodate any functionality above that minimum.

                   The WAP specification uses the best of existing standards, and has developed new extensions where needed. For example, a WAP Gateway communicates with other Internet nodes using the standard HTTP 1.1 protocol and the wireless handsets use the standard URL addressing scheme to request services. The WAP forum is also working with many other standards organizations to develop or modify standards related to new technologies, which need modifications for wireless environment. The WAP forum has liaison relationships (or is in the process of having) with Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This ensures that when new standards emerge, these standards remain compatible with the work of the WAP Forum. For example, the WAP Forum will be working with the W3C and IETF to ensure future convergence with HTML-NG (Next Generation) and HTTP-NG specifications, and to provide input to these groups regarding the requirements of future wireless network technologies.

                   The Wireless Application Protocol is a standard developed by the WAP Forum, a group founded by Nokia, Ericsson, (formerly Unwired Planet), and Motorola. The WAP Forum has now expanded to include more than 200 members, including operators, infrastructure suppliers, software developers and content providers.

Wireless Application Protocol – WAP

Where does WAP Fit in the Wireless Computing Application?

                   Three are three essential product components that you need to extend your host applications and data to WAP-enabled devices. These three components are:

1.     WAP Microbrowser – residing in the client handheld device
2.     WAP Gateway – typically on wireless ISP’s network infrastructure
3.     WAP Server - residing either on ISP’s infrastructure or on end user organization’s infrastructure

WAP Micro-browser
                   A WAP micro-browser is a client software designed to overcome challenges of mobile handheld devices that enables wireless access to services such as Internet information in combination with a suitable network server

                   Lots of WAP browsers and emulators are available free of cost which can be used to test your WAP pages. Many of these browsers and emulators are specific to mobile devices. For example the R380s WAP emulator is intended to be used for testing WML applications developed for the WAP Browser in the Ericsson Smart phone R380s. You can find a list of downloadable WML Browsers/ Emulators at

                    WAP emulators can be used to see how your site will look like on specific phones. As these images show, the same thing can look different on different mobile phones. So, the problems that web developer faces with the desktop browsers (Netscape/Iexplorer) is present here also. So, make sure you test your code on different mobile phones (or simulators)

WAP Products - Microbrowser, WAP Gateway, WAP servers WAP Gateway
                   The idea behind WAP specifications is to connect the mobile networks to the Internet.To connect these two mega-networks, the WAP Specification assumes there will be a WAP Gateway. At its simplest level, this is a stack converter, which will convert the WAP request into a Web request and the Web response into a WAP response. WAP Gateway is a piece of software that sits between the mobile device and the external network like the Internet. The gateway does the job of converting Internet content i.e. the WML pages into byte code (WMLC) which can be understood by a WAP device. Usually located on a server of a mobile operator it handles incoming requests from your WAP phone, takes care of the conversion required during WTLS/SSL sessions and handles incoming requests from your WAP phone. Although in theory, the gateway could also be made to convert the HTML page content itself on-the-fly as well, there are some problems. HTML pages can be full of graphics and with inline scripting. Converting these to WML may return something that is not of any relevance to anybody. Some of the WAP Gateway products that are now coming on to the market (such as Nokia's WAP Server) also provide hosting capabilities themselves. In future it could be possible to integrate your WAP Server into the mobile network to gain information about the subscriber's location.If you host your own gateways, then it may be required to maintain some sort of connection with the mobile network. For example, in case of GSM networks you may need to have say a dial up connection with the network's SMS engine or you may need to provide dial in modems for CSD access

(Circuit Switched Data, around 9.6 kbps data rate)
Source: WAP for web developers,
                   A WAP server is simply a combined web server and WAP gateway. WAP devices do not use SSL. Instead they use WTLS. Most existing web servers should be able to support WAP content as well. Some new MIME types need to be added to your web server to enable it support WAP content. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, and in the web context, MIME can be thought of as a piece of header information that comes down with every file sent from a web server to a browser.

Mobile Network Layer

                 This describes protocols and mechanisms developed for the network layer to support mobility.  The most prominent example is Mobile IP, which adds mobility support to the Internet network layer protocol IP.  While systems like GSM have been designed with mobility in mind from the very beginning, the Internet started at a time when no-one had a concept of mobile computers.  Therefore, the Internet of today lacks mechanisms for the support of users traveling through the world.  IP is the common base for thousands of applications and runs over dozens of different networks.  This is the reason for supporting mobility at the IP layer, mobile phone systems, for example, cannot offer this type of mobility for heterogeneous networks.

                    Another kind of mobility, rather portability of equipment, is supported by DHCP. In former times computers did not change their location often.  Today, due to laptops or notebooks, e.g., students show up at the university with their computers, want to plug them in or use wireless access.  A network administrator does not want to configure dozens of computers every day or hand out a list of valid IP addresses, DNS servers, subnet prefixes, default routers etc.  At this point the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) sets in to support automatic configuration of computers.

Goals, assumptions, and requirements:

                    The Internet is the network for global data communication with hundreds of millions of users.  So why not simply use a mobile computer in the Internet?
                    The reason is quite simple: you will not receive a single packet as soon as you leave your home network, i.e., the network your computer is configured for, and reconnect your computer (wireless or wired) at another place.  The reason for this is quite simple if you consider routing mechanisms in the Internet.  A host sends an IP packet with the header containing a destination address besides other fields.  The destination address not only determines the receiver of the packet, but also the physical subnet of the receiver.  For example, the destination address shows that the receiver must be connected to the physical subnet with the network prefix 129.13.42 (unless CIDR is used).  Routers in the Internet now look at the destination addresses of incoming packets and forward them according to internal look-up tables.  To avoid an explosion of routing tables, only prefixes are stored and further optimizations are applied.  Otherwise a router would have to store the addresses of all computers in the Internet, which is obviously not feasible.  As long as the receiver can be reached within its physical subnet, it gets the packets; as soon as it moves outside the subnet, no packet will reach it anymore.  Thus, a host needs a so called topologically correct address.

Quick ‘Solutions’:
                   One might think of a quick solution to this problem by assigning the computer a new, topologically correct IP address.  So moving to a new location would also mean assigning a new address.  Now the problem is that nobody knows of this new address.  It is almost impossible to find a (mobile) host in the Internet which has just changed its address.  Especially the domain name system (DNS) need some time before it updates its internal tables necessary for the mapping of a logical name to an IP address.  This approach does not work if the mobile node moves quite often.  Furthermore, the Internet and DNS have not been built for frequent updates.  Just imagine millions of nodes moving at the same time.  DNS could never present a consistent view of names and address, for it uses caching to improve scalability.  It is simply too expensive to update quickly.
          Furthermore, there is a severe problem with higher layer protocols like TCP that rely on IP addresses. Changing the IP address while still having a TCP connection open means breaking the connection.  A TCP connection can be identified by the tuple (source IP address, source port, destination IP address, destination port), also known as a socket.  Therefore, a TCP connection cannot survive any address change.  Breaking TCP connections is not an option, using programs like telnet would be impossible.  Additionally, the mobile node would have to notify all communication partners about the new address.
                   Another approach is the creation of specific routes to the mobile node.  Routers always choose the best-fitting prefix for the routing decision.  If a router now has an entry for a prefix 129.13.42 and an address, it would choose the port associated with the latter for forwarding, if a packet with the destination address comes in.  While it is theoretically possible to change all routing tables all over the world to create specific routes to a mobile node, this does not scale at all with the number of nodes in the Internet.  Routers are built for extremely fast forwarding, but not for fast updates of routing tables.  While the first is done with special hardware support, the latter is typically a piece of software which cannot handle the burden of frequent updates.  Furthermore, routers are the ‘brains’ of the Internet, holding the whole net together.  No service provider or system administrator would allow changes to the routing tables, probably sacrificing stability, just for the mobility of individual users.

                   Since the quick ‘solutions’ obviously did not work, a more general architecture had to be designed.  Many field trials and proprietary systems finally led to mobile IP as a standard to enable mobility in the Internet.  Several requirements accompanied the development of the standard:

·        Compatibility:    The installed base of Internet computers, i.e., computers running TCP/IP and connected to the Internet, is huge.  A new standard cannot require changes for applications or network protocols already in use.  People still want to use their favorite browser for WWW and do not change applications just for mobility.  The same holds for operating systems.  No-one would use another operating system only for mobility, so mobile IP has to be integrated into existing operating systems or at least work together with them.  Routers within the Internet should not necessarily require other software.  While it is possible to enhance the capabilities of some routers to support mobility, it is almost impossible to change all routers.  Furthermore, mobile IP has to remain compatible to all lower layers used for the standard non-mobile IP.  This means that mobile IP must not require special media or MAC/LLC protocols.  So mobile IP has to use the same interfaces and mechanisms to access the lower layers as IP does.  Finally, end-systems enhanced with a mobile IP implementation should still be able to communicate with fixed systems without mobile IP.  Mobile IP has to ensure that users can still access all the other servers and systems in the Internet.  But that also implies access all the other servers and systems in the Internet.  But that also implies using the same address format and routing mechanisms.

·        Transparency:  Mobility should remain ‘invisible’ for many higher layer protocols and applications.  Besides maybe noticing a lower bandwidth and some interruption in service, higher layers should continue to work even if the mobile computer changed its point of attachment to the network.  For TCP, for example, this means that the computer must keep its IP address as explained above.  If the interruption of the connectivity does not take too long, TCP connections survive the change of the attachment point.  Clearly, many of today’s applications have not been designed for use in mobile environments.  Therefore, the only effects of mobility should be a higher delay and lower bandwidth.  However, there are some applications for which it is better to be ‘mobility aware’.  Examples are cost-based routing or video compression.  Knowing that it is currently possible to use different networks, the software could choose the cheapest one.  Or if a video application knows that currently only a low bandwidth connection is available, it could use a different compression scheme.  Therefore, additional mechanisms are necessary to inform these applications about mobility.

·        Scalability and efficiency:   Introducing a new mechanism into the Internet must not jeopardize the efficiency of the network.  Enhancing IP for mobility must not generate many new messages flooding the whole network.  Furthermore, special care has to be taken considering the lower bandwidth of wireless links.  Many mobile systems will have a wireless link to an attachment point.  Therefore, only some additional packets should be necessary between a mobile system and a node in the network.  Looking at the number of computers connected to the Internet and at the growth rates of mobile communication, it is clear that a myriad device will participate in the Internet as mobile components.  Just think of cars, trucks, mobile phones, every seat in every plane around the world etc. – many of them will have some IP implementation inside and move between different networks, thus requiring mobile IP. Therefore, it is indispensable for a mobile IP to be scalable over a large number of participants in the whole Internet, worldwide.

·        Security: Mobility poses many security problems.  A minimum requirement is the authentication of all messages related to the management of Mobile IP.  It must be sure for the IP layer if it forwards a packet to a mobile host that this host really is the receiver of the packet.  The IP layer can only guarantee that the IP address of the receiver is correct.  There are no ways of preventing faked IP addresses or other attacks.  According to Internet philosophy this is left to higher layers.


                    Mobile Computing and Communications is useful for wireless Networks.  The study of different versions will give differences between Mobile Computing and Communications, Access Control, Security etc., the traditional mobile phone only had a simple black and white text display and could send / receive voice or short messages.  Today, however, mobile phones migrate more and more toward PDAs.  Mobile phones with full color graphic display, on the internet browser are available.

ppt on mobile commerce




            Electronic commerce continues to see the phenomenal growth but, so far most e-commerce development involves wired infrastructures. We believe emerging wireless and mobile networks will provide new avenues for growth, creating new opportunities in mobile commerce.
            Dotcom business may be falling by the wayside, but the percentage of commerce happening via the web continues to grow. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of cellular subscribers worldwide are gaining access to new wireless data choices, including Web enabled cell phones, handled computers and PDA’s.Combine these facts, and you get an industry with an unbelievable potential called mobile commerce or m-commerce.
            Not convinced? How about this: A woman is looking at a DVD player in a store and is ready to buy, but she isn’t sure if the store is offering the best price. Using the micro browser on her cell, phone, she quickly determines that your online enterprise is selling the player for 10 percent less, she purchases it from you right then for delivery next day.
            Or, you send your subscriber an alert on his Palm to him know tickets have just gone on sale for one of his favourite performers, before the subscriber even knows the singer is coming to twn/witnin minutes, the customer selects the best seats in his price range and purchases tickets from you.
            Whether this convinces you or not, International Data corp. forecasts that $21billion worth of mobile commerce will take place in 20004,while Gartner Group predicts that 40 percent of B2c (business to consumer) e_commerce in that same year will occur over wireless connections.  Already, the big e-commerce players, such as and Yahoo, are offering mobile options.
            Content and applications must still be developed in multiple mobile formats. Security questions continue to dog the industry. And evolving payment systems and networks, markup languages and devices has made developing mobile commerce applications so complex that most organizations seeking to mobilize applications need help. Fortunately elp is available from a rapidly expanding array of middleware solutions wireless ASP(application service provider).
            The first big wireless applications deployed in the early 1990s, were field service and dispatch. Both applications facilitate commerce but don’t involve transactions. We focused on mobile commerce applications that involve actual transactions. In which a user securely purchases or sells goods or services. Current choices are a tiny subset of what will become possible with new technology, financial settlement systems, devices and networks.

Here’s how we see the market evolving

            This year, companies will extend their e-commerce applications to mobile devices but will rely on existing settlement systems, such as charging a user’s credit account.
            Now available in limited form, electronic wallets will facilitate transactions by providing a centralized way for users to maintain account and shipping information. Electronic wallets, whether hosted by portals, ASPs , banks of carriers will play an increasingly important role in mobile commerce.
            Around 2002, new location technology will enable mobile-commerce applications that take a user’s location into account. Based on user preferences that address privacy issues, these applications will give users access to localized and personalized information.
            Beginning around 2002 but evolving over decade, new financial settlement systems will allow secure transmission opf electronic cash on a wide or local area basis. Ecash Technologies is one of the pioneers in this area. 
            To realize these applications, we need several functional components, starting with a mobile device with sufficient memory, an appropriate display, and communications functionalities. Several suitable models are now available, such as Palm pilot a personal digital assistant(PDA) with a wireless modem and the Nokia Communicator a mobile phone with computing functions. These devices are oriented toward either communication or computing, but in the near future these distinctions could disappear as intelligent mobile devices evolve.
            Middleware unites different applications, tools, networks, and technologies, giving users a common interface. Mobile middleware is an enabling layer of software to connect e-commerce applications with different mobile networks and operating systems without introducing mobility awareness the need to adjust to wide variations in bandwidth and resulting delays, and changes in user location in the applications. Middleware gives applications better response times and far better reliability. Typically, middleware uses optimization techniques, such as header compression, delayed acknowledgements, and concatenation of several smaller packets into one to reduce wireless network traffic. Some middleware supports intelligent restarts, which take the user to the break point after disconnection instead of back to the beginning. Middleware, however, does introduce additional complexity and significant initial cost.
            Express Q from Nettech is mobile messaging middleware product that lets developers extend their non-IP applications to mobile users. It stores messages when mobile users are out of network range and forwards them later when users are in range. Express Q uses logical name addressing to allow network and device independence, supports several wireless networks, provides multiple application programming for developers, and lets mobile devices run different operating systems.
            A Mobile commerce application can be broken down into three parts the user device, the Website hosting the application and the payment mechanism. In addition, various gateways come into play. In the simplest model, a Web site would deliver HTML directly to a mobile device, and a protocol such as SSl(secure sockets layer) or TLS(Transport Layer Security) would secure communications.
            To settle transactions, the Web site would communicate with a financial network either directly or via a third party. This structure merely replaces a standard desktop browser with one operating on a mobile device and a wired link in fact, HTML browsers are available for Palm and Pocket Pc devices.
            But most deployments are more complicated than this because of slow wireless-link speeds and multiple network and device type.
            Most mobile-commerce application developers want to support as many mobile devices as possible. One approach might be to format the content in WML (wireless markup Language) which would make the application available for handleds. What’s wrong with this picture? Plenty. Supporting all the different types of available mobile devices requires either an extraordinary amount of development effort or a third -party solution.
            Sorting through all the third-party solutions is a project in itself as, we learned through our rfi, but with due diligence, you can find excellent tools that vastly simplify the process of developing mobile applications. Just don’t underestimate the amount of work this requires. Installing and evaluating these platforms are comparable in time and difficulty to working with a new computer operating system.
These third-party solutions are middleware platforms that typically translate from XML/HTML format located at the customer site to the appropriate wireless format, whether HDML ( a precursor to WAP), HTML, WML or a format understood by interactive pagers. You can deploy these platforms yourself by purchasing a server license, or the vendor can host the platform as an ASP. The platform can also be hosted by a wireless ISP, such as GOAMERICA or OMNISKY corp.
Unfortunately , the conversion from XML or HTML to WML is far from automatic. With nearly all these third party solutions, the XML or HTML content must be created fro the ground up and adhere to strict rules and templates, often in conjunction with SDKS and tools provided by the vendor. Because of a lack of standardization, the rules and templates are specific to each ASP. Thus, if you design Oracle Mobile’s portal-to-go XML, you’ll be limited to Oracle Mobile’s platform to translate the content to the various wireless formats.
Converting from XML to mobile formats will be much more reliable and flexible than starting HTML,HTML  conversions essentially involve screen scrapping, in which the middleware platform captures portions of the Web page to create mobile content. This approach is highly vulnerable to changes such as new page layouts. With XML, application developers can use specific tags to create mobile content that the middleware can interpret in an unambiguous , consistent fashion.
The middleware can perform other functions as well, such as delivering mobile content using transport protocols better suited to wireless (“typical protocols involved with a wireless ASPs are middleware platform”)
This architecture is technically efficient, as it enables standard internet communications between the middleware platform and the content application provider. Application developers can deploy their applications on existing Web platforms. The architecture also allows the middleware platform to deliver optimized content to the user with the most appropriate protocols for the connection.
However, the solutions are vendor specific and require a considerable commitment to middleware or ASP. Many of these ASPs are new, and their long term viability is unproven. In fact, many wireless middleware companies have come and gone over the past five years.
Increasingly, major software vendors are adding capabilities to their web and database platforms to support mobile formats. This could eventually obviate third-party solutions , though such solutions are likely to have broader network and device support for quite some time.
Watch also for the role the internet portals will play. These portals are in a strong position to integrate, and eventually subsume, the ASP function.
Further more they can provide a place for merchants to situate themselves. For many users, the mobile environment will become an extension of their existing Internet environment. Some wireless portals, such as GOAMERICA
And OMINISKY, are focusing on the mobile environment exclusively. It makes sense for these trailblazers to start providing financial services such as e-wallets or gateways to e-wallets.
Finally, various industry organizations are seeking to standardize mobile-commerce methods and architecture, examples include Fundamo, the Global Mobile Commerce Forum, the mobey Forum, the Mobile Electronics transactions initiative, Radicchio and the wireless Data Forum. So for, these organizations are long on stating the problems and issues involved, and short on delivering actual solutions.
WAP is getting a bad rap. Originally toured as a panavea for the wireless industry, the Wireless Application Protocol. Is now getting bad press because of interoperability problems and minuscule market adoption where it’s been deployed. WAP does indeed have interoperability issues . For example, vendors browser and gateway implementations are inconsistent.
But this is being addressed by new interoperability testing programs. Furthermore, some critics dislike having to learn a new markup language.
WML(wireless markup language) to work with WAP. But that’s exactly What XML (Extensible Markup Language) is all about. WML is based on XML, the very nature of which is extensibility, to allow new markups for particular applications. WAP also delivers on the promise of a network independent solution. A WAP application doesn’t have to take into account the kind of cellular technology in use nor the underlying network protocols, so long as the network supports WAP.
No, the problem with WAP is that it doesn’t deliver on its fundamental promise to let application developers develop their content is one format for all wireless networks. The result has been far different. WAP is real, and may operators, particularly in Europe will support it. But in the United States, most of the big operators, including AT&T wireless, Sprint PCS and Verizon wireless, are still using HDML(Handheld Device Markup Language), WAP’s predecessor. Why? Because they started working with HDML before WAP was standardized. Also HDML offers more features and ironically, better interoperability than WAP, since wireless browsers and gateways come from one company, open wave systems U.S. operators do say they’ll eventually move to WAP, but only when a newer version becomes available.
Meanwhile, interactive pagers and handheld devices favor HDML approaches, not WML or HDML. NTTDOCOMo, hugely successfully in Japan with its I_mode service (which is based on a subset of HTML), is now trying to export I-mode to the rest of the world. The net result: WAP delivers only to a small slice of the total wireless market. And that’s the real trouble with WAP.
The wireless model we have described raises a serious security concern since ASP might decrypt messages received from the mobile unit. Some ASPs can pass on messages without decrypting them; you should investigate this aspect with vendors of interest. As for the security protocols used in the mobile unit and wireless ASP or the middleware platform typical protocols include SSL with 3DES encryption.
The wireless model we have described raises a serious security concern since ASP might decrypt messages received from the mobile unit. Some ASPs can pass on messages without decrypting them; you should investigate this aspect with vendors of interest. As for the security protocols used in the mobile unit and wireless ASP or the middleware platform typical protocols include SSL with 3DES encryption.
However, may Internet authentication and encryption methods are computationally intensive. Companies such as Certicom corp., ITS and diversinet are developing security solutions based on new methods elliptic-curve cryptography, for example that are better suited to small devices. The wireless ASP or middleware platform can then transfer from these mobile specific security protocols and conventional Internet security protocols.
Most of today’s mobile-commerce applications are extensions of Web based e-commerce solutions, which typically use credit cards for payment. However, as these applications mature and the variety of mobile-commerce transactions broadens, settlement systems will have to change. Simply put we nedd generally available, secure electronic wallet and electronic-cash mechanisms. Thus will take years, but many approaches have already been introduced.
To make purchases using many of today’s Web-based commerce applications customers must enter their credit card information clearly an unwieldy approach with a mobile device and one that raises security concerns. If the credit card is already on file with a merchant all the user has to do is authenticate himself or herself. But users don’t want to have to register their credit cards with numerous merchants.
Credit card companies and other organizations are working to solve this problem by developing electronic-wallet mechanisms, these hold users financial information and perhaps shipping info, and many contain funds as well. By supporting a particular wallet system, you give your customers a convenient way to pay for purchases. Some wireless ASPs, such as Snaz Commerce solutions, hoset such wallet mechanism and provide a mobile shopping portal for merchants to plug into.
Wireless carriers also are in a position to play a strong role. They already have billing relationships with customers and could handle billing for merchants. NITDOCOMO in Japan does this today with its I-mode service, for which the carrier collects 9 percent from merchants. On the other hand .
This role I beyond many carriers comfort level, since it exposes them to credit risks better handled by banks.
One reason for the initial popularity of financially oriented m-commerce applications is that the financial institution already has users account information on file and is simply allowing them to manipulate their accounts-letting them buy or sell stocks, for example, or transfer funds from one account to another. The challenge is to allow a user to easily purchase goods or services from any merchant or institution in a secure and cost-effective manner.
Internet economics demands a reduction in the number of middlemen involved. Today’s payment systems credit card companies, for instance involve a number of intermediaries and will not scale to high volumes of smaller transactions. This is where companies such as Ecash will play a role.
Ecash’s payment architecture lets banks offer electronic-cash services to customers , who can then spend that cash with participating merchants.
Although I their infancy, such payment infrastructure could truly revolutionize mobile commerce and, in the process, massively disrupt existing financial systems even making ATM’s obsolete. However, this will all take time. But if they don’t proceed, they’ll be relegated to irrelevance local area wireless connections. In this scenario customers establish direct systems at the merchants locations. Palm and Hewlett-Packard co.s' verifone recently agreed to lunch exactly such an initiative. The infrared link simply replaces the credit-card swipe, and the merchant uses its existing back-end credit-card swipe, and the merchant uses its existing back-end credit-card payment system. This approach completely sidesteps the architectures discussed above.
            Despite this market’s potential, numerous speed bumps exist. Most important, no magic elixir can convert existing Web sites to a mobile format .
User connections are slow and screen real estate is limited, but that’s just the physical problems. User’s mobile context will force the logic of applications to change.
For example, the types of airline information users want at the airport and the travel transactions they wish to conduct are inherently different from those they’ll seek when they’re planning a vacation from their home two months before a trip. At the airport, a user will want immediate access to real-time alternatives if a flight is cancelled, the cost to jump onto another airline and the ability to instantly purchase the new ticket.
And the problems don’t end with the applications. Wireless networks are barely up to the task of mobile-commerce. To harness this category’s full potential, wireless networks need to be packet-based, to provide permanent virtual connections that allow faster transactions and the ability to push alerts. Higher speeds will also improve session quality. But with the exception of CDPD and early-stage GPRS rollouts, it’ll be at least two years before all of today’s cellular networks are upgraded to faster packet data services. Today’s networks are suitable for many applications. But stick to applications in which information can be conveyed in small chunks and that don’t require a lot of interaction. And keep them text based.
Although we believe location technology will be available by 2002 technical hurdles and privacy issues are associated with deploying a technology that lets organizations know users constant whereabouts. At this point, don’t worry about how to take advantage of this information perhaps two years from now. Companies will travel the bumpy road to offer mobile-commerce services. But the next effect will be narrower initial scope of applications and delays in the widespread adoption of mobile commerce. While industry enthusiasts predict large-scale adoption within three years realistically this’ll likely be two years beyond that. If ever there were an opportunity to be a pioneer, this is it. The rewards are sure to weigh the risks.
Assuming the user is in a region that is covered by the network, the technology is available anytime, anywhere, while one is on the move.
As far as time critical transactions, such as stock trading, banking and travel planning/changing itinerary, are concerned, M-commerce provides an easy, quick and effective solution.
Advertising, rather than paralleling its E-commerce equivalent (banner ads, link after link connecting sites), will consist of direct and personal marketing to the individual based on characteristics such as spending habits and price range, GPS position, time of day, etc.
Meanwhile, a meaningful discussion of the comparisons between E- and M-commerce should also include mention of the weaknesses of the mobile Internet, including:
Generic mass advertising will not be possible.
Customer information (not contained on a phones SIM card) will be less easily collected due to screen constraints (for example, when ordering books from, customers will not be willing to enter loads of personal data, as Amazon currently requests from its online clients.
M-commerce is not suited to lengthy and complex transactions, such as real estate and automobile purchases, nor for complicated and involved business-to-business transactions.
13. Travel Industry
While many industries will thrive due to M-commerce technology, the travel industry is expected to be a major component of this market. Travel will benefit from all advantages of the m-commerce, including - ubiquity, interoperability, reachability, security, convenience, localisation and personalisation.
Specific applications of a mobile Internet device in the travel sector include the following:
Cross-urban transportation services (purchase of travel tickets, real-time arrival/departure information, receive delay/gate/connection information, confirmation, change itinerary, and frequent flyer information).
Urban transportation (taxi service, car/limousine service, and car rental).
Accommodations (lodging, wake-up calls, and food service/delivery).
Time/place sensitive information (traffic reports, weather reports, and direction services).
Local information (currency rates, language translation, retail/bank hours and holidays, and emergency contact information such as medical and police assistance)
Entertainment (museums, theatres, restaurants). 


The mobile commerce is one of the groups of  applications killer of the Society of the Mobile Information. With Nokia like partner, you will be able to offer solutions of highest level in terms of applications of m-commerce, payment and emergency.  The happened one in the mobile commerce not only depends on the single applications, but also from their ability to work entirety without difficulties. The sophistication total is essential in order to render simpler the interaction between the applications possible for makes a subscriber to it to you. The advance solutions of Nokia - Nokia Payment Solution and Nokia Signet Solution - they help to construct an atmosphere of easy fruizione for the applications of m-commerce.
The Nokia Payment Solution is a payment platform that supports specific WAP 1,1 and 1,2 and the hit to the web. The base characteristics are the authorization to the payments and the recording of the transactions, with functions of price, instruments and compensation. The Nokia Payment Solution supports multiple pay channels, like debit and credit cards, telephone bill prepaid and postpaid and borsellino virtual, as an example for the micropayments.  The Nokia Signet Solution helps you to instill in makes a subscriber the confidence to you necessary in order to have use of the offer of bancari services and payment. Nokia acts on every single element of the transaction process in order to supply one solution from sure point to point for the transactions furnish.
The solutions of Nokia for the mobile commerce preview the standards and the common architectures of the field, like WAP, WIM (Wireless Identity Module), WTLS (Wireless Transport Security Layer) and Wireless PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). The WIM, as an example, is one of the fundamental elements of specific WAP 1,2, that it allows memorizzare all give you of emergency, as keys and certifys to you, in the cellular telephone. Moreover, it is in a position to carrying out cryptographic operations. The Nokia Payment Solution and the Nokia Signet Solution constitute fundamental elements of the solution from point to point of Nokia for the services of Mobile Internet. Parts endured with the supply of services you furnish sure thanks to Nokia.


By 2005 the mobile phone will be the most commonly used computing device, and a powerful purchasing tool for customers. Consumers will use mobile phones as a familiar, convenient and inexpensive channel for access to goods and services.
Banks, retailers and travel companies will make their brand and their offerings available to customers at the touch of a button - anywhere.
For banks, retailers and mobile phone operators, the burgeoning mobile commerce industry provides unlimited opportunities for business growth. Forward thinking companies are already integrating mobile commerce into their businesses to establish vital competitive edge. By integrating mobile commerce into traditional channels, suppliers can increase the value that customers obtain from their phone. Giving customers the opportunity to conduct business on the move builds loyalty and can address high churn and downward pressure on tariffs that operators experience in today’s competitive telecoms environment.
The growth of mobile commerce is encouraging banks around the world to work with mobile operators as they seek to exploit the benefits of this new channel to market. Mobile commerce can unlock substantial growth opportunity and establish a strong position for operators’ brands in the markets of the 21st century.


M-commerce is generally referred to as all transactions that are conducted via a mobile phone. Effectively, it is the wireless equivalent of the fixed Internet E-commerce. When there is increase in network reliability and redundancy, improve security Mobile commerce is very effective .